TL;DR: CRPE – A Smarter Portfolio Evaluation Metric
The Comprehensive Risk-Adjusted Portfolio Efficiency (CRPE) metric redefines portfolio evaluation. Unlike Sharpe or Sortino, it analyzes full drawdown profiles, enabling better comparisons across portfolios or strategies, even with different benchmarks. CRPE rewards strong returns with effective risk management—perfect for smarter, modern investing decisions.
The longer version
When it comes to evaluating your trading strategies or investment portfolios, you’ve probably heard of metrics like the Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio, or Calmar Ratio. These tools have been around for decades and serve as the go-to methods for comparing risk and return. But here’s the thing: the markets have evolved, and so has our ability to analyze them. It’s time for a better standard—one that captures the full picture of risk and reward. Meet the Comprehensive Risk-Adjusted Portfolio Efficiency (CRPE) metric.
Why CRPE is a Game-Changer
Traditional metrics like the Sharpe and Sortino Ratios focus on specific slices of risk:
- The Sharpe Ratio evaluates returns against overall volatility but penalizes both upside and downside movements equally.
- The Sortino Ratio zeroes in on downside risk, ignoring upside potential, but relies on an arbitrary target return.
- The Calmar Ratio considers maximum drawdown but overlooks how long or frequently those drawdowns occur.
The problem? These metrics often rely on single-point measurements (like maximum drawdown) or overly simplistic models of volatility. They miss the nuances of how drawdowns—the periods when your portfolio loses value—play out over time. That’s where CRPE steps in.
CRPE doesn’t just focus on one moment or risk factor. It provides a holistic view of your portfolio by analyzing the entire drawdown profile, comparing it against a benchmark (like the S&P 500). This gives you a more comprehensive and fair assessment of your strategy’s performance.
How CRPE Works (In Plain English)
Here’s a simplified breakdown:
- Drawdowns Matter: CRPE looks at how much and how often your portfolio loses value from its peak (called drawdowns). It does the same for a benchmark, like an index fund.
- Compare and Contrast: It calculates the difference between your portfolio’s drawdowns and the benchmark’s drawdowns over time. If your portfolio consistently weathers market dips better, you’ll score higher.
- Risk-Adjusted Returns: CRPE then adjusts your portfolio’s return based on its drawdown behavior, giving you a more realistic view of performance.
In short, CRPE rewards strategies that not only deliver strong returns but also handle market downturns more effectively than their benchmarks.
How is CRPE calculated?
Step 1: Calculation of Relative Drawdown Coefficient (RDC)

RDC = Cumulative relative drawdown of the portfolio divided by the cumulative relative drawdown of the benchmark.
The chart below illustrates the relative drawdown of a portfolio and it’s benchmark, here the SPY. The blue areas indicate where the benchmark has a greater relative drawdown and the orange areas show where the portfolio has the greater relative drawdown. Refer to the left scale for percent values.
The gray area displays the value of the RDC at the time t. (see right scale)

Step 2: Calculation of CRPE (Rp is the portfolio return)

This adjustment provides a normalized performance measure that accounts for the returns and the drawdown profile relative to the benchmark, giving a more comprehensive risk-adjusted view.
Why Every Trader and Investor Should Care
The CRPE metric provides a more nuanced understanding of a portfolio’s performance by evaluating its drawdown profile in relation to a benchmark. Unlike traditional metrics, CRPE captures both the magnitude and duration of drawdowns, providing a comprehensive view of risk-adjusted returns. This enables better differentiation between strategies that may have similar returns but vastly different risk profiles. See the table below for specific comparisons.
Metric | Focus | Strengths | Limitations | CRPE’s Advantage |
Sharpe | Total volatility | Measures risk-adjusted return. | Penalizes upside volatility. | Focuses solely on downside risk. |
Sortino | Downside risk | Excludes upside volatility. | Arbitrary target threshold. | Comprehensive drawdown profile. |
Calmar | Max drawdown | Simple to compute. | Ignores drawdown duration. | Accounts for drawdown duration. |
CRPE | Relative drawdowns | Holistic, benchmark-agnostic. | Requires more computation. | Superior risk-return balance. |
If you’re managing your own portfolio or running a trading strategy, you know that risk isn’t just about volatility or maximum drawdown—it’s about consistency and resilience. CRPE helps you answer key questions like:
- How does my strategy perform during market downturns compared to a benchmark?
- Am I taking on too much risk for the returns I’m earning?
- Which strategy is truly better when risk-adjusted, not just return-focused?
With CRPE, you get a clearer picture of which strategies are worth sticking with and which ones might need adjustment.
A New Standard for the Modern Investor
In today’s fast-moving, tech-driven markets, it’s time to go beyond outdated metrics. CRPE leverages modern analytical methods to provide a benchmark-agnostic, comprehensive, and reliable evaluation of trading strategies and portfolios.
Here’s why CRPE should become the new standard:
- Holistic Analysis: It considers the full drawdown profile, not just one aspect of risk.
- Benchmark Comparisons: CRPE allows you to compare strategies and portfolios across different benchmarks fairly.
- Nuanced Insights: It provides a more detailed understanding of how risk and return interact over time.
Who Would Benefit Most from CRPE?
- Portfolio Managers: Seeking a deeper understanding of strategy performance, especially when blending multiple benchmarks or risk profiles.
- Quantitative Traders: Needing detailed drawdown behavior analysis to fine-tune algorithmic strategies.
- Institutional Investors: Comparing fund managers or strategies with diverse benchmarks or performance metrics.
- Retail Investors: Looking for intuitive ways to evaluate portfolios without relying solely on abstract volatility measures.
- Risk Analysts: Using CRPE to evaluate stress scenarios, as it provides a robust lens into drawdown resilience.
Ready to Take Your Portfolio Evaluation to the Next Level?
For traders and investors looking to stay ahead, understanding and adopting advanced metrics like CRPE is crucial. Whether you’re fine-tuning a trading algorithm or balancing your retirement portfolio, CRPE offers insights that go far beyond what traditional tools can provide.
The next time you evaluate your portfolio’s performance, ask yourself: Am I using the best tools available? With CRPE, you’ll be armed with the most comprehensive and reliable metric for today’s market conditions.
Learn More: For a deeper dive into the CRPE metric, read the full research paper here.