Profitable Trading Strategies

Try our backtested, profitable trading strategy with our OMEGA signals.
You can also use our strategy container with other data sources on TradingView.

Profitable Trading Strategies

Last Update: June 16, 2024

Results for SPY Trading Strategy with TW-OMEGA trading signals on SPY
(test performed in August 2023):

  • Win rate*:                    77.6%
  • Profit factor*:            2.5
  • Max. Drawdown*:    33.8%  (in 2008)
  • Sample size:              581 trades
    (>99% confidence interval with 5% margin of error)
  • Backtest Range:      Nov. 2008 – Aug 2023  / 14+ years
    –> experienced all kinds of markets
  • Total Return:              > 5,000%
  • see specific backtesting data further below * Results will change when algo settings are modified. Also, past performance is not indicative of future performance.
OMEGA Indicator & Trading Signals

The green line / area in the image below is the cumulative profit of the algorithm working with our TW-OMEGA trading signals. The blue line (for comparison) is the cumulative profit a buy-and-hold strategy of the SPY would have earned during the same time frame.


Algo CAGR data based on the conditions above.

 CAGR Chart

Algo Annual Returns data based on the conditions above.

Annual Returns Chart

The strategy is designed to create outsized returns during times of increased volatility and to keep up with buy & hold returns during times of low volatility. For the back-tested time frame below (Jan 2015 – Dec 2023) we used lower investment levels so we can see better how the strategy returns compare to the benchmark buy & hold of SPY. The strategy largely performs as designed. See the red areas below where SPY experienced downturns while the strategy remained stable or significantly increased returns during times of higher volatility.

(click image to enlarge)

Here we see the backtest results from Jan 2009 to Dec 2023  for the same strategy with identical settings, except with the regular investment level.  Please note that results will change with changing back-testing time frames and different strategy settings. Also please see the disclaimer below.

This is one of our more conservative strategies and we believe that the back-tested  returns warrant the ~20% max drawdown. If you are an investor seeking to grow faster than the market at a reasonable pace, as well as to protect your equity during downturns, then this strategy might be worth looking at more closely.

(click image to enlarge)

One Strategy - Unlimited Inputs

Our strategy container allows you to backtest any kind of TradingView indicator with ease.
Put your trading strategies to the test today!


  • Add any kind of data source for your signals.
  • Create your own indicators and use them as a data source in our TradingView strategy container.
  • Use ATR and VIX to filter for market sentiment and reduce trades against the trend.
  • Set Stop-Loss and Take-Profit levels for long and short trades separately, based on % or ATR.

To access our OMEGA trading signals and trading strategies on TradingView, please see below for next steps.

Thank you.

You need a TradingView account to use our indicators and trading strategies.

Past performance is NOT indicative of future performance.

TradingWhale provides trading tools and education. In no way, shape or form do we provide trading advice, nor are our trading signals or strategies to be interpreted as such. By using our signals and strategies you take full responsibility for the results of your own trading. Trading can result in the loss of 100% of your capital.

Successful trading requires knowledge, discipline and constant learning; it requires proper risk management and setting stop losses. For those new to trading or technical analysis, we always recommend a demo account until you feel confident in using our indicators, setting proper stop losses, position sizing, etc.

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